Do not be crushed by a crush.

Dear Crush,
Please don't crush me. You'll pass too.

This week has been something else for me. I was a bit crazy about something. Yes, I'm normal. Normal enough to stalk someone on LinkedIn, Facebook, Google and other social media platforms. Normal enough to involve my friends Ebere and Amara in this wonderful sense of normalcy. The funny thing is that they are very positive about this particular crush of mine. Normal enough to say 'God, I know this prayer request is a bit crazy, but I want to see my crush tomorrow' the funny part is that God answered that prayer o. 6:40am in the morning the next day, I was waiting for a bus that was   going to **** I won't complete it o. The crush might be reading this. I just saw my crush trying to cross the road, I blessed God for answered prayers. I forgot to tell God that I will also love this crush of mine to collect my number. That's probably why he didn't do that.

I prayed to God to help me not to be crushed by this crush, but I don't know if I want God to answer that prayer. The only prayer I'll make as regards this crush of mine is I do not want to be crushed by this particular crush. Crushes will come and go. I learnt from Snr Zozo that I should not be crushed by a crush.

Don't come and Judge me o. You know you have a crush somewhere and you've probably done

worse things than I have.  This might just be another fictional story.

My novel is now available on Amazon and Get a copy today.
