How I overcame Stage Fright

I was a very shy person. If you know me well, you'd know.

Hi blog readers, how are you guys doing this beautiful Tuesday morning? Nsukka is fine and I am fine.

You are welcome to the Tuesday Inspiration segment. The aim of this segment to inspire us and talk about the importance of moving forward. Today, I'm going to share my story with you all.

How did I ever overcome stage fright? I mean, that was a major issue I had. I hated presentations. I'm always ready to do the underground work like researching for the presentation, but when it comes to the presentation proper, I shy away from it. In my third year, we had a presentation. I performed terribly, not because I didn't know what to say or I didn't have a nice voice (have you heard me speak? You'd be wowed, lol), but because I was shy. I couldn't just wrap my head round the fact that I'd stand in front of my classmates to say anything. I messed up. The good thing is I finally managed to get an A. I put in extra effort in my test and exams and God was merciful. It's important to note that that's not the only bad presentation.

I finally decided to let go of this stage fright. Who stage fright help? What am I scared of? My classmates? Why should I be scared of them? The fact that I'm standing in front of you means the class belongs to me. My confidence game is topnotch now. Did I tell you that I anchored my departmental night and my faculty symposium?

Stage fright can limit you. It can take you far away from your dreams. What is there to be scared about? They are humans, they don't bite. Do your thing because all eyes are on you now baby! There is really nothing to be scared about. The stage fright still comes once in awhile, but I can tell you that I'm better than I was years ago. You can too. Be confident!

That reminds me, the fact that I don't look at the camera always when I'm taking a picture doesn't mean I'm shy. Tears roll down my cheek when I look at a particular spot or person consistently. That's why I have issues with passport photographs.

Please, you can share your growth story with us. Have you ever had stage fright? Do you have stage fright? How did you overcome it?
 The comment section is all yours. Have an awesome Tuesday, stay beautiful.


Unknown said…
Stage fright is a very big disease. Thanks be to God that you have overcome it.
Unknown said…
I think parents have a lot to do to help their young ones overcome stage fright at early stage. Though some children are natural outgoing and bold, others need to be helped at early stage to conquer fear. This should be done by encouraging them to participate in activities and presentation in church and school, this helped me alot.
However, some people who are actually confident on stage are shy persons while others don't have a clue both on and off stage. Stage fright is more related to fear than to shyness.
If they are young, start early. But if you are already grown, the solution is the same: anchor programs, preach in church, present in your department, practice like they say makes perfect.
Discovery said…
Hey, nice write up - sure i have experienced stage freight and how i overcame was simply talking to myself & applying confidence were necessary. i guess all these amounts to as a reason of either one not knowing their abilities and or not confident in themselves as to a given task.

Keep up the write-ups.
Unknown said…
Dear blogger, I must confess dis a sensitive issue as cool as I think I am I still have my own share of stage fright, I try as much as I can not to let it show when am in front of people. That night we anchored dat show, u needed to see how my butterflies were going in circles in my tummy.Hopefully one day I will loose that part totally.
Imagenaija said…
Yes o. NAAS UNN actually helped me @ Lucky.
Imagenaija said…
Awwww! Dear Mary, you comment completely made my day yesterday. Thank you for sharing your growth story, thank you for leaving a comment. Yes, parents have a lot of work. Most times, parents make their children scared. It is the duty of our parents to know our children's capability and help the scared ones build their confidence.
Imagenaija said…
Thank you discovery for sharing your story @ discovery.
Imagenaija said…
Uncle Lawrence, you of all people? You don't have stage fright o jare. You were not shy that day @ Ekeng Thorpe.