'I will change, I promise'

Shut up jare!

I'm really a strong woman o. My fitness game is on point now, way to go baby girl! You know one interesting thing about working out, it makes you super agile. Silver Spring is almost here. We have 1 day to go.

Yesterday, I was down, not with typhoid  or malaria, Chineke e kwela ihe ojoo! I was just not happy with some things going on in my life. I had a really bad, but productive day. Productive with regards to my studies though. Well, that didn't stop me from working out today. I just can't stop. Amara, get that into your head.

Hey blog readers, how are all doing? I'm sorry for talking about myself a lot today. I'm also sorry for not uploading consistently. It rained crazily on Friday and we've not had power supply since then. They are probably trying to dry the wire.

You are to the Let's Talk segment of our blog. Today, we are going to talk about the 'I will change, I promise' set of people. I'm sure you've heard that from a lot of people and they do nothing about it. You hope they'll change, they never do. You hope she'll start being respectful, she has promised that she'll change, she doesn't. It only gets worse. He has promised to stop beating you, he has promised to start calling you, after a day, it's the same thing. He/She has promised to stop lying. ' I will change, I promise', she wants another chance everytime, he wants another chance too, you give them a chance, another one and another, but nothing changes. Uncle, Aunty, kilode? Can't you see that it only takes the grace of God to change somebody?

I have this very annoying friend, I am annoying too. Always building castles in the air. Anytime you complain, he'd say 'I know I'm a bad person'. Oh, you know? Why won't you be a good person? Why have you decided that you'll always be a bad person? Why? I have another very insulting friend. She talks to people anyhow everyday. If you complain, she'd promise to change, but nothing will ever change. When you want to give her another chance, she adds salt to the injury.

For how long will you continue to hold on? Nobody should make you feel less of yourself because you are a Queen/King. Don't you think it's time to put these people in their place? You are not an agent of change, you are not a member of APC. Trust me, if these set of people taste their own medicine, they can't stand it. Why are you giving yourself a migraine? The only person that can really change someone is our Lord Jesus Christ. Stop listening to people tell you they will change. For me 3 chances is too much, but we are humans so, it's safe to say it's enough.

Have you met any 'I will change' brother or sister? What did he/she tell you he/she will stop or start doing? What happened? How long did you hold on? The comment section belongs to you all. May your day be as beautiful as my face today or more beautiful self. Oh, you need to see this face today, lol.


Unknown said…
Nice post. lol Nepa trying to dry the wire that one got me. Pls Stay healthy for us oh. Sickness ke, chineke e kwele ihe ojo.
Imagenaija said…
Lol. Thanks darling, I'm strong now, thank you.