Happy birthday anniversary dear blog reader Onyi. We 😍 you.

Hey guys, good day. How are you guys doing? I trust this meets you well. I'm no longer jobless o. I'm extremely busy now. I hope you are making good use of your time today? It's very necessary.

I have always been a very negative person. I see the bad before I see the good. It's not my fault sha, I had to learn the hard way. Life is actually not a bed of roses. You'd be disappointed so many times in your life by those you care about the most. Financially, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, etc. I used the word 'if' a lot because there is this satisfaction I get from it. After all, if it works out, fine. If it does not, my chest doesn't pain my like that because I said 'if' and not 'when'. If I am dating someone and the person is planning a future and he is like  'when we get married...', in my mind, I will replace your when with 'if'. I know it will not be hard before you and your 'when we get married self' will start pissing me off with all the strain in communication and other annoying things that people in relationships do. Biko, leave me with my 'if'. If you are tired, just carry your wahala and go.

Negative things happen in our lives everyday, but is that enough reason to always be a pessimist? Hell no! I mean, positive things happen in my life too. Everyday I wake up, I eat, I go out and come back in one piece, I am fine. Why should I always be negative? People will always disappoint you, your grades might not always agree with you, the exams you just wrote was bloody, just find a way of staying positive. Just believe somehow that it is going to be fine. Don't give up on your dreams. If you are negative, your dreams will never come true, but if you are positive about it, it does not matter how many times you fail, you'd still get back on your feet because if you don't have that positive vibe, it wont work.

I have always wanted to be a screenplay writer, but I needed a breakthrough. I tried to chat some of these directors and producers up, but you know how it is. I was almost giving up, but yesterday was the best day of my life. I don't want to talk about the big screenwriter that called me and we talked positively about my script. Immediately I let go of my negativity or my negative notion that I was not good enough, this happened. She actually liked my sense of humour and we talked about me. She is willing to help me.  What exactly am I saying? If the queen of negativity can let go of her negative vibes and embrace positive vibes, you should do same.

I did not tell you to have positive vibes when you are in relationship that is dead-on-arrival. I didn't say you should have positive vibes when your partner is violent or not always there when you need him or her. I didn't say you should have positive vibes and start planning wedding immediately you meet a man/woman that doesn't share the same thought with you. The positive vibe I'm talking about is with regards to your dreams. Don't give up on your dreams that easy. Your breakthrough is coming.

Have a beautiful Thursday and stay positive always.
