Dear Blog Readers...

Dear blog readers, I appreciate your concern with regards to the blog and I'm deeply sorry. I turned 21 on Tuesday and I got the best birthday present ever. If you are close to me, you know already, but if you are not or we used to be close and you don't know, I'm sorry. I look forward to September. It's going to be a busy and a beautiful September. I'm excited because I can't wait to meet all my amazing friends.

Dear blog readers, I still don't understand why people do not believe I'm 21. Do I look older than my age? 21 is really a great age, you know and August is a great month. Ebere reminded me not to let irrelevant things and people bother me. I have decided to do that. I'm writing this letter to the blog readers I care about for this reason.

I used to care about irrelevant things and people. I was bothered that one of my eyes was smaller than the other. I was bothered that I was too slim. I was one of the thinnest in my class in secondary school. I was bothered that I've been failing Mathematics. I was worried that I couldn't get the food particles off the gas burner even with an iron sponge and scouring powder. I was worried that people do not raise their legs while walking. I was bothered that I might graduate without a job. I was worried that I put in my best to make a relationship work and it just doesn't work. I was worried that I stay up late thinking of a storyline and it doesn't come together beautifully. I was bothered that I read my books well and when the results are out, I harvest a festival of Bs or Cs. I wasted my time thinking about irrelevant things and people.

Dear blog readers, I don't want same for you. I want you to go out there and kick ass. Everything will fall into place. Even if you are the cause of your frustration, once you are truly sorry, life will be beautiful. You don't need to shut the world out and people that care about you because you are frustrated. I don't know what your issue is. I don't know what the irrelevant matter is, but I know it doesn't worth the unstable nature of your blood pressure. It doesn't worth your frustration. Stop thinking about that job that you didn't get, that house you can't afford, that boy or girl that is putting you through an emotional rollercoaster that you don't deserve, even the recurring Fs doesn't worth your getting drunk. Abi, when you are high, the F will change to A? Stand up and do something new. The new thing might be searching and applying for new jobs, saving up for the new place, firing your emotional rollercoaster coach or asking friends that are better off to help you academically.

Dear blog readers, worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but takes you nowhere. While you keep that in mind, remember  truth is the only safe ground to stand upon. Don't start anything with a lie. If you have done that, change. I'm talking to myself too.

Dear blog readers, thanks for your warm wishes. For the posts, status update, dps, messages, the calls and for everything. I appreciate everything. Happy birthday anniversary to me. Have an amazing Saturday.


Unknown said…
Awwwwn me girl, I'm so proud of you. It's 2k17 and you, I, everyone deserves happiness. If it's going to make you sad, tell it bye bye. Happiness should always start from within before it can be extended to others, I mean, learn to create your own happiness. We've been friends awhile and you know how much I could worry about the tiniest detail but somehow I stopped worrying about the biggest detail. Things as I observed always worked out better when I worried less or not even at all because efforts spent worrying were now put into making things better. The summary of my story? Learn not to worry and kickass. Again, I'm proud of you. I can't wait to spend my lunch breaks with you. And that girls' weekout, we'll sure kick asses.
Unknown said…
Happy Birthday Gift (albeit late). Wish you nothing but happiness, Ebere is right.
Imagenaija said…
Dear Ebere, thanks for being the best. I'm ready for the lunch breaks, weekends and the girls' hangout. I need you in Ikeja.
Imagenaija said…
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Imagenaija said…
Dear Nnamdi, when I heard you read my blog, I decided to write better, I decided to check my sentences properly, 😁. Thanks for the birthday wishes. I promise to worry less from now on. Thanks for visiting.
Zest said…
Lol. Funny but, that's true about worries. Worries never solve problems; solutions do. Worries can only cause more problems, usually frustration and high BP. We can predict what both can lead to.

Happy birhday once arrears. Wishing you greater things ahead.
Helen said…
This writeup is worth reading
Nice one Gift.
Keep our blog going!!!
Imagenaija said…
Thanks dear Helen
Unknown said…
I've been MIA. Happy Birthday in arreas. Well said. Worrying robs you of the joy of today. Keep spreading positivity. Great post.
Imagenaija said…
Thanks dear. We have missed you @ Chynedum