How long do you have to keep doing what your parents want you to do?

I believe that the real you shows up when you really do what you want to do because you want to do it not because your parents want you to do it. Most of our parents are concerned about what people will say.

Hey blog readers, how are you guys doing? It's a beautiful Monday here in Lagos. I hope you are having fun wherever you are. I really rested well last week, welcome to a new week. I tried to update on the blog during the weekend, but network did not allow me to be great. Oh, I forgot to add that I got to work late.

Dear blog reader Ella, happy birthday anniversary my darling. I'm wishing you every good thing life has to offer. Age with grace my love.

We have a really good topic and I think we should talk about it. How long do you have to keep doing what your parents want you to do? How long do you keep posting what they want you to post? How long do you keep wearing what they want you to wear? How long do you keep studying what they want you to study? Apparently, they have good plans for us, but...

What you do when you have no one to tell you not to do what you want to do defines you.  Most times, we do a lot of things we are not comfortable with because of our parents. We get married to people we don't like because of our parents. Your parents might be staunch members of the Catholic church and you are in love with someone from a Pentecostal church. You can't get married to the person because of your parents. Your father is probably a knight of the catholic church and he will never want that because of what people will say. It's always about what people will say, but these people that are always saying, do they care about you and your happiness? Do they care about you? When the marriage to a fellow catholic does not go well, what's going to happen? Is it not the same people that will talk? 'Why is this post on Facebook? What do you want people to say?' I felt the post was good and I decided to upload it and you want me to take it down because of what people will say?

Most parents have led their children astray because of their strictness. You lock your children up, you don't allow them to interact with others. You don't even allow them to go out. You say the world is evil and they are not supposed to interact with others and the slightest opportunity they get, they turn the world upside down. You force your children to study what they don't like and they get to school and perform poorly and you rant about how your child doesn't know anything, but you forget that the child is depressed because of you. I know a guy that had to study what he didn't like. His parents wanted Engineering, he wanted to study computer science. The guy got into school, he was studying Engineering, but he didn't like the course. He changed without his parents consent and now, he's happy, his parents are happy and he's doing well for himself. There is someone else I know, modelling is her passion and she's really good at what she does, but he parents won't hear of it. What will the church say? She actually ditched her parents opinion and what the church will say. She's happy and she's doing well for herself now.

Our parents are the most wonderful people on earth, but most times they are driven by what people in the church will say and not what God will say. Personally, I think we should seek the face of God and allow his will to be done and not have what people will say drive us when we try to make life changing decisions. I'm not saying we should ditch our parents advice o. My mum made me study English. She didn't force me, she just enlightened me with regards to the course.

Guys, what do you think? What do you do when you have an idea clash with your parents. Like, you want to do this and your parents will not have you do that because of what people will say. Please, share your ideas with me. It will be appreciated. If you haven't ordered for Silver Spring, order now. The email address is


Marlene said…
Nice article, l just hope our generation won't be like that of our parents', lots of kids out there needs to be encouraged to do what they love to do best, l hope and believe that we won't allow what our parents made us do make us stop our own children from doing what they want to do
Imagenaija said…
I hope so too. Thanks for leaving a comment dear.
Unknown said…
Nice post you got up there girl. I can't totally relate with this post because I have parents who listen to my siblings and I. How do I explain this? Okay, they have plans for you which they intend following to the latter,but they still always want to hear what you want. My parents, my dad especially, does the compromise thing with us all. I have never been forced to study a course I didn't like, eat some meal I'm allergic to, or like someone who I don't like. I think I got my "idgaf" nature from my dad because he always never cares what anybody says about his decisions, except family of course.

See, my mom was discussing some girl who got married to a Yoruba boy, and she said she wasn't worried what tribes any of us was going to marry from, after all she wasn't going to be married to whoever. Do you get?

They hear your plans, you hear theirs, compromise happens and everybody's good.

They still make us attend their church when we are around though. Something I respect, I mean, I live with them and until I start earning, I'm stuck.

I guess where they are really tight is onthe not going out rule. It's not like we don't go out to see friends and all, but most times, I want to return home the next morning after a nice swing at a club. Not my parents. Miss them please.

P.S. I'm never sure I made sense with my comment with the typos I'm not ready to correct and all. I just always type them the way they come. I hope you understand it though.

Imagenaija said…
My mum and I always get to the point where we have to compromise. She understands me and understands the fact that we can't agree on every single thing. It's a mother-daughter thing I guess. With regards to the denomination thing, she has actually carried the church on her head, lol. That one concern am sha, when I'm ready to get married, we'd see how that will go.

Thanks for leaving a comment my darling.