'It's easier to make good grades in a private University? '

This is the last quarter of 2017 and it irritates me that people still think this way...

Hey, hi blog readers. How are you doing today? I came here to rant. I hope you are fine though.

So, I went to a school where the students believe that they are brighter than others which is not a new thing. They argue that 2.1 in the school is better than first class in a private University and 2.2 is 2.1 in a private school. Nice, really nice. I still understand that school is not for everyone and the certificate did not help anybody, but you have to calm down.

I stumbled on a post recently where a student of Bells University made a first class. She graduated with 4.97 and Nigerians were pissed instead of congratulating her. They are like 'She should come and try a federal university', really? So, you think that people don't study hard in private schools? You think JAMB frustration pushed them to private schools? You are not aware that some parents actually want their children to go to private schools? Why are you guys angry? Okay, since 2.2 in a federal university is first class in a private school, why didn't you graduate with a first class from Law school? Why should a private University first class graduate still make first class in Law school? Who told you that students in private universities do not get jobs? You should take a trip to offices in Lagos, I think you'll understand better. Oh, you think when you are looking for a job and they need only first class graduates, they'll say 'First Class in private universities and 2.1 or 2.2 in U. I or OAU'?  Wawu!

If I have my way, my younger siblings will attend private universities and don't think they do not teach them well, most of them speak better than some federal university graduates. Someone made a first class, appreciate the person, it's not easy. The school doesn't matter. Stop all the 'first class did not help anybody' and 'nobody likes to employ a first class graduate' talk. Stop consoling yourself. Deep down in your heart, you will be glad if you make a first class. We know the class of degree doesn't matter. Work on yourself as a student. Develop yourself boys and girls. The private university students you are looking down on might be your strongest opponent. Do something different, surf the internet, learn how to do something, sharpen your skill. That's what will help you in the outside world. Quit this useless hate and comparison. It is bad for your health. Don't make others feel bad for their hard work. Since you didn't make it, celebrate with them.

That aside, my result will be out soon and your favourite baby girl did not make anything close to a first class, 😂. I'd be very glad if I did though. If wishes were horses. I'm just pissed that so many people love to insult graduates from private schools. I didn't graduate from a private school though, I'm a super Lioness.

If you still write 'I'm' as 'am' and you are saying 'Let him come and try UNN stress',  learn English first before you start talking rubbish! The comment section belongs to you all. Good morning! If you want to get a copy of Silver Spring, send a mail giftwogu1@gmail.com to order. Muah!


Anonymous said…
It is not easy anywhere o... if u dnt know book, u dnt know o... dnt use d private school thingy as an excuse. funny enuf d grading in some private schools are different. For example, Covenant University grades 70 as A but in Babcock University is B, and am sure is an A in other schools... not to go 'off-point' sha.. like I said.., I u dnt know book, u don't know.. and Gift you are right about the Jamb thingy...
nice post...
I read Ur blog daily...
keep it up
Imagenaija said…
Lol, but it's true o. If you no know book, you no know book. Thank you my darling.